Bachmann-Strauss — 2010 Annual Report
Art Direction, Graphic Design, Production
The Bachmann-Strauss Dystonia & Parkinson Foundation was established in 1995 to find better treatments and cures for the movement disorders dystonia and Parkinson's disease and to provide medical and patient information.
As a part of philanthropic outreach, I was able to donate my design services, and had the opportunity to art direct and design the Bachmann Strauss Annual Report. The theme for that year was Breaking Barriers, referring to how the organization has been breaking scientifically, geographically, and human barriers in the search for a cure. I focused on visuals that conveyed a sense of achievement, inspiration, and accomplishment. Paper selection was important for the final printed piece, as well as working with a reliable vendor where I oversaw the project as it went to press.
In addition to the brochure, I designed all of the mailing envelopes and materials. Once completed, I adapted the entire project into an online version of the brochure.
Created for Bachmann-Strauss, 2011.